Posts Tagged ‘Snow’
Having spent our Christmas Eve with friends in the country side, we were able to enjoy a nice walk through a quite winterly landscape. Gogi, their companion came along and obviously enjoyed running through the snow and playing with other dogs that passed us along the way. Below you can see Gogi waiting up for us.
Just got back from the London Freeze, a London Snowboard, Ski and Music Festival. They built a 35 meter high ramp with a length of 100 meters, from which spectators can get nice and close to the Best in Snowboarding and Skiing. If you would like to see a few more images, please click on the image below
London in Snow
Today was definitely a very special day for me . I was extremely excited when I got up in the morning at 7am to walk to work today, as it was quite forseeable that London’s public transport will not be able to keep up with the extreme weather conditions. The atmosphere amongst the people on the streets gave today the feeling of a bank holiday or the biggest photo competition London has ever seen. Nearly everyone, including myself was armed with a camera to capture the rare sight of approx 25-30 cm of snow. Below is one of my photos of the music pavilion in Battersea Park. I took quite a lot of photographs, so it might take a few days to put them online, please be patient.