Posts Tagged ‘Art’
Just got back from the Kinetica Art Fair 2009. Some really cool things to be seen here including the worlds most advanced robotic hand from the Shadow Robot Company
Definitely worth a look if you are around Marylebone Road tomorrow(2nd of March 2009).
The following photograph shows one of my little fun projects. I have used one of my 3D scans that was taken of my face and created a 3D CAD model of a chocolate bar thatwas then 3D printed on a 3D Systems Projet. I have taken a mold of the model in a food rated silicone that was then used to produce chocolates in the shape of my face…more info on 3D scanning and 3d printing can be found on ThingLab
For the first time armed forces veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have allowed work from their Art Therapy sessions to be exhibited to the public at
18 December 08. Alastair Good goes to see the first ever exhibition of artwork made by veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
News story from “The Telegraph”
Art and Conflict Exhibition 2008
News story from the “BBC”
The British Association of Art Therapists
Art and Conflict – Art for sale
I took the photos in the video for their marketing campaign as a voluntary assignment.