Archive for the ‘Lara’ Category

My wife Lara studies Nutritional Therapy and is working on her Dissertation Research Project, trying to evaluate general public awareness of and attitudes towards supplements and their usage and its correlations to general health awareness. I have helped to design her website and get a little questionaire online, so that anyone can participate anonymously. She is trying to get around 200 responses, so please feel free to forward her website to anyone who can spare a few minutes.

The results of the survey will be published on her website as well, so you will be able to see the results of your support. THANKS



I did the graphical layout of the following pdf as part of  Lara’s BSc Hons Nutritional Therapy course. The article gives some insight into the differences between casein and whey.Please click on the image to see the pdf.

Casein and Whey