Archive for the ‘Panorama’ Category

Just got back from the London Freeze, a London Snowboard, Ski and Music Festival. They built a 35 meter high ramp with a length of 100 meters, from which spectators can get nice and close to the Best in Snowboarding and Skiing. If you would like to see a few more images, please click on the image below

London-Freeze Ramp

Below is one of my latest panoramas taken in Salzburg. It features the Ice Rink, that is sponsored by Red Bull and commonly used by the Red Bull Ice Hockey team for training

Red Bull Eishalle Salzburg

I have uploaded quite an extensive gallery of a little weekend trip to Tarragona Spain. The gallery includes some panoramas,Infrared,Underwater and HDR photos. Enjoy…Summer is great!

Please click on the image to get to the gallery

Tarragona-July-Barrel Jellyfish

I went to the Tate Modern a few weeks ago and was lucky to find the main installation in the turbine hall pretty empty except the security guard on the right hand side. Perfect for a little panorama.

The Unilever Series in the Tate Modern

I had a nice walk on Saturday afternoon along the Thames on Southbank and had to take another panorama from the 7th floor restaurant in the Tate Modern. The full resolution pano, which I had to dramatically reduce in size for the web shows so much detail. Amazing what a crowded place London is.View from the Tate Modern - 7th floor

I just found out that Union Gallery, is going to change location and will move out of their fantastic space that I created a few years ago in Ewer Street. They are packing up stuff, so you will not be able to see it in all its glory

Here are some photos as from 2 days ago.